Day 2,111

It doesn't matter where I go or where I end the day, I'll always wake up in the bunker.

I've tried hitchhiking to other states, flying overseas and even sailing out as far as I can until there's nothing around me but sea and sky and it doesn't matter. I pass out when the sun sets and wake up right where I started - handcuffed to a leaking pipe in a bunker nobody even knows about.

Nobody but me and my best friend. The same best friend who knocked me out and cuffed me in the first place and I don't even know where she went but if I ever see her again I... don't even know what I'll do. I've been here for a fair while now and most days she's the last thing on my mind before I pass out and the first spark of rage when I wake up.

For me it's been five months of spending every day alternating between trying to break the cycle and giving up. I'm either burning my way through money that resets the next day like nothing happened or I'm waiting to die alone in a concrete box that's too isolated for anyone to hear me scream.

My family don't know that something's wrong and even if I manage to get home and tell them I know everything will reset the next day so sometimes I just pretend it's all fine so we can have one nice day before I have to go back there.

One day she'll come back and fix this mess but until then I'll keep running and waiting.

I'v got nothing else to do.

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