Day 2,125

The miners came before us, leaving trails through the fog and blood that were meant to lead us to safety. In reality they led us from one trail to another to another to yet another seemingly without an end in sight but it was better than joining the roaming bands of the questless ones.

The miners used enough symbols and sigils to fill an entire library so we just picked the three that looked the friendliest and hoped we weren't walking to our deaths. The chosen sigils have changed over the years as we found what they meant the hard way and lost dear companions to their truth.

The miners, we began to realise, might be leading us in a circle that encompassed the entire world. They might already all be dead and we're just following them to their grave to join them in whatever afterlife they managed to wander into.

For better or worse, we still follow the miners. We have yet to find a better purpose in all our years ,much as we've all tried. Whoever they were and wherever they're leading us to, nothing can be any worse than everything we've already passed.

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