Day 2,137

I can hear them a few rows away, far closer than I'd like. They're calling out names, hoping one them will be mine or close enough to spook me into making a mistake and giving away my position. I wonder how many they've fooled this way and how many more they'll get before they decide to move on.

With any luck I'll make it back to the car park and with a little more luck there won't be any of them staking it out, waiting for survivors and picking them off just when they're at their most hopeful. I'd hate to be so close to freedom only to have one of these mostly-dead morons pull me into their ranks.

I only came here because my cousins were obsessed with corn mazes, something about them being quintessentially autumnal and how Halloween isn't complete without attending at least one of them. None of us had even heard of this one before but it was new and they needed someone to drive them.

I regret ever agreeing to this. I regret not noticing that anything was amiss and I regret not moving fast enough and I regret not knowing if my cousins are dead or alive or carrying a gun and heading my way and I regret spending so long crouched in this dead end thinking all this when I should be moving.

There's footsteps all around me, far more than there were before I began to panic and spiral.

Funny how I'm so calm now.

I wonder how much this will hurt.

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