Day 2,163

 What do you suppose we do with corpses that can't rot? When technology is so obsessed with life that it forget about death to the point where our titanium reinforced bones and silicon strengthened skin don't allow for rot to seep in and break us back into our basest components.

Should we still bury them and all the harmful chemicals they're so pumped full of? Their loved ones would say yes, would say it's respectful, would say it's what they deserve. They won't consider how the medical-grade nanites will eventually exit the body and make their way into the next available living organism.

There are sightings of mermaids again, where nanites try to place the human template over a fish or a seal or a half-rotten whale carcass. The media has spun it into some fairytale come to life but when the poor bastardised creatures figure out how to speak they all beg for death

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