Day 2,253

There's talk of building a road beneath the forest in the hope that the lingering spirits won't interfere with the traffic as they currently do. Dozens go missing each year only to be seen wandering by the roadside with wooden horns sprouting from gaping wounds in their heads.

Of course there are countless different kinds of wandering spirit but those are the most common - hernesmen we call them, nasty if you get too close and fatal to the touch if they're in spore. I'd rather face a hernesman than half of the other creatures the forest births that don't offer the courtesy or kindness of a quick death.

No matter how close to the forest outskirts the new roads are built, no matter if they're dozens of miles away or right beside the sea -the forest knows someone is trying to pass from south to north and isn't inclined to make their journey safe nor easy.

An underground road sounds like it might cut back on the annual attacks in theory but the reality could be opening us up to entirely new forms of spirits and the deaths they will undoubtedly cause. Perhaps the roots of the forest will tear the thick concrete walls apart and crush any car it finds, perhaps it will raise the road back to the surface or flood it with or open a gaping chasm to its very heart.

But we won't know for certain, not just yet.

They say it'll be open in the spring.

Just in time for the hunt.

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