Day 2,270

We've all managed to schedule our patrols so that we cover our stations without running into any of the things that start to appear around this time of night. That's the problem with these old prisons -sure they make for great tourist traps but violent people and violent deaths are guaranteed to leave something behind, something far worse than bad memories. Something physical.

My area is one of the quieter ones and I only have to watch our for Mr Hector when I check the bathrooms. He was found hanging from a shower-head back in '73 but the look in his eyes says he didn't do it himself. My predecessor was a soft hearted oldie who wanted to speak to Mr Hector and wound up with a half-crushed trachea for his troubles.

Still, I'm lucky to only be dealing with one identifiable guy who keeps to one room all night. Some of the other security folks aren't half as lucky and they make sure I know it every single shift. Especially Jessie whose section includes the old chapel and inner courtyard.

He doesn't go into much detail but he's been looking worse and worse every day. I know they lost several preacher's here so maybe they're still walking and weeping all over the place but I reckon it's the courtyard that has him clutching his cigs in trembling hands every chance he can get to sneak out front for a break. If he goes out more than he's scheduled for, we can hardly blame him.

We've all heard things about the old courtyard and even caught a glimpse or two of the multitude of things that wake up there most nights. Of course we're just peering through the windows out the corners of our eyes and Jessie has to get right in the thick of it to check all the fences are still secure.

They may all be dead but they don't necessarily know that and we don't want them getting out just in case.

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