Day 2,301

The waters don't seem to be receding quickly enough for us to be able to go home just yet, at least that's what were being told while we all hide away in the community centre of some unnamed village up in the mountains. The men in charge aren't telling us anything more than 'stay inside, the flood isn't going anywhere and neither are you just yet'.

It started raining three weeks ago and gradually evolved into the storm of the century - the entire valley was taken down and we saw the strangest things on our way out. Aside from floating meat that we didn't want to put a name to and floating bodies we already knew the names of, the flood brought fish unlike anything we'd ever seen before.

One of them must have been about twenty foot long, something serpentine with webbed ridges all along its back that looked razor sharp. It swam into the theatre and snapped the lobby doors closed with a flick of its tail. We managed to take a few snaps of it but the coast guard wouldn't let us linger long enough to get a decent photo of the thing.

Now three weeks later, we're still in the community centre and we're all ready to tear each other's throats out for even a second outside in the pouring rain and bloating bodies. On the bright side, we have entertainment at last - the theatre's assistant manager can access the security cameras from her phone so we can watch the eel-ish thing building its nest in the orchestra's pit.

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