Day 2,361

They must have died together, he assumed from the way they were partially fused. There'd been a lot more of those types around since the storm brought that landslide upon the town. All those sudden deaths, trapped families desperately trying to survive and slowly suffocating with no escape in sight makes for a lot of fresh souls all crying out for a peace they won't find in all the deaths they keep causing.

A collection as new and traumatised as these was bound to snowball if left unchecked and untampered with which is why he was called. Now, it wasn't a grieving relative or concerned governor who called him there - it was one of the dead who'd managed to cling onto enough of their wits to know that their very existence would only bring about more tragedy.

From his perspective it had been a series of prank calls to a phone that hadn't had a battery in it for several weeks at that point. Any normal man might dismiss it and toss the phone in the trash but after the fifth or sixth voicemail begging him to go to the same place he let curiosity get the better of him.

That leaves him at the present - persuading the restless to rest whilst trying not to join them.

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