Day 2,364

It slipped between the trees, teeth chattering as wordless sounds forced their way past blood-stained lips. She hadn't been spotted but she had been heard and that was a death sentence in itself, even more so as the autumn leaves beneath her feet were dry as a desert from all those months without rain.

Her hiding spot was good. Her hiding spot was safe and rational and everything she desperately wanted it to be as reality kept creeping in around her false hopes. There was nowhere for her go that wouldn't alert it immediately and it didn't seem to have seen her ducking into the hollowed-out dead tree so that was something positive at least.

The last broadcasts had mentioned something about its sense of smell but the radio towers fell almost eight years ago so she couldn't quite remember if they said highly advantageous or highly atrocious. As the sound of its footfalls grew closer and closer she began to suspect the former.

Something red and wet hit her knee, drawing her gaze up for the last time.

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