Day 2,389

They took away the road signs to the old church to stop people from looking for it. The parishioners were possessive and cruel, seeing outsiders as fuel for Sunday's pyre. Something to keep the greater beasts busy for another few days while a long-term plan was allegedly being put into place.

Dealing with creatures taller than deep-wood trees keeps the parish busy enough that the county council was able to construct a barricade and seal everything inside before anyone could escape. They foolishly thought that one parish would be able to sustain itself and countless carnivorous beasts indefinitely or at least until a new council came in and it became their problem instead.

This did not work.

The parish was down to a handful of people in a matter of weeks when the council predicted it would take years. They never took local wildlife into account, blocking the creatures from several herds of deer and cattle as if a hundred people were the equivalent.

By the time they realised this, the barricade had been reduced to rubble and the parish reduced to bloodstains and a cold pyre. Without a group to centre them, the creatures lost their main territory and began to roam. For miles and miles around the parish, the ground was covered in paw prints the size of small cars and carcasses strung up high in the trees for the slower beasts to feast upon.

They took away the road signs to the old church to stop people from looking for it and finding their mistake.

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