Day 2,494

It was 35 minutes shore-to-shore over the River Twybrach and the ferry hadn't missed a day since the awful storm of  '32 but today was...different. Today fog clung to every surface, it crept around window sills and door frames forming patterns almost like it had hands.

Today the fog had come down from the mountains to feed and it wouldn't leave unsatiated.

It took them slowly, starting by luring individuals farther away from each other before swallowing them whole and ending with the ferry and all who tried to escape aboard her. None of them ever stood a chance at escape but it amused the fog to see them try.

On the other side of the shore people stared out into a hazy mist, not once considering that it was steadily consuming every living being on the other side. It wouldn't be anybody's first though at all, in fact most of the staring at their neighbour's demise were wondering why the ferry was running late on such still waters.

When the fog was done, the town was as empty as the wind echoing through otherwise silent streets. It descended back up to the mountains, leaving nothing in its wake but the faint sounds of hopeless sobbing and a few teardrops that quickly evaporated in the dazzling sunlight.

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