Day 2,504

I always hated being the one to empty the transportation pods - no matter how careful you are or how slowly you go you'll always get some kind of viscera somewhere and 9 times out of 10 its something foecal. Humans just have to much inside them and the smell doesn't leave you for days.

Still, the pods can't run when they're full and we can't let the general public know that they aren't being transported, they're being cloned and the originals are killed as soon as they appear to be safely on the other side. The world would go crazy and we'd be called monsters for knowingly participating in such a quiet genocide.

They make you use a pod to get to your desk on your first day and after all that paperwork they get you to bring a friend or family member along and teleport them to a fancy lounge. Then after you're both finished with a complimentary meal and your loved one has left they send you down the the lowest levels to empty the pods.

Coming face-to-face with such unmistakably familiar, unmistakably deceased faces breaks you in a way you never quite recover from but by then you're as much a murderer as they are and you've not only killed yourself, you've killed someone you love as well. So you never quit, you just maintain the machines that kill and clone and wonder how much of you is the same as the original.

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