The highway is lined with dead animals like a ward against the towns that seem to sprout up overnight. Nobody ever seems to enter or leave them but the towns themselves never seem to stay put for too long either. One day the highway's lined with bustling infrastructure and the next it's back to untouched crop fields.
I know others guys in my high school have dared each other to go to one of the towns and bring back souvenirs but only one person has so far and he only talks about it to his therapist. The rest of us are left wondering what the hell happened there and why he still carries the bag of billiard balls he brought back from there.
All we know for sure is that something isn't right about those places, the way all the windows feel like tiger eyes waiting for your back to show so they can break your spine and drag your body away. The way the roadkill lining the highway is always so fresh it still bleeds but nobody's ever hit a live animal heading down there.
Half the animals aren't even native to our state.
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