I've been having the dream ever since my friends and me slipped through the broken boards and into Tunnel Street. It had been blocked off for as long as we could remember, thick oak slabs cutting off the road and dense layers of barbed wire for what they couldn't be bothered to board up.
Nothing had ever seemed so tempting to us, so full of unpromised potential for hanging out and not getting caught. We all walked down the same street, seeing the same boarded windows, same locked doors and of course, we all saw the tunnel.
So why am I the only one having this dream?
I wake up and find myself at the top of the tunnel, only it's well-lit and there's a queue of people slowly climbing up rebar that's been roughly jammed into the rock to form a ladder. I have a gun and I shoot at the rebar to knock it out so they stay trapped down there.
And they aren't alone.
They scream and cry out in fear as these rat-like creatures swarm around them, dragging them back down the tunnel and out of my line of sight. A few of them linger by the rungs as if they're tempted to try and escape as well but others call them away.
I get the feeling that this has happened before and then I wake up.
My friends keep nagging me to go down there and join them, hanging out in the cavern above the tunnel to smoke and avoid the world. Something in the back of my mind says that if go there, I'll end up reliving my dreams every night.
Only it won't be the faces of strangers, it'll be my friends.
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