Day 2,761

Gnarled hands reached up from somewhere deep beneath the salvaged shipwreck, desperately trying to pull it back down again. They battled against the crane's grip, nearly tipping the rescue vessel past the point of recovery and only stopping when an old cannonball dislodged, colliding with a hand on its way back down to the depths.

Then and only then was the shipwreck let go, the gnarled hands resting just below the surface of the water, ready to snatch it back up if given the chance. The crew chose to proceed slowly and carefully, inching the shipwreck onto the vessel's specialised platform so they could at least recover some of the artefacts before releasing it back to whatever creature was patiently waiting for its return.

Beneath the water, a mother waited for her children to make their way back into her arms, their crib resting above the water and surrounded by unknowing food. If they wanted her children they she'd give them exactly what they deserved and have her arms full of happy fat little infants in no time.

Perhaps she'd take his new crib and leave the survivors with the old one.

After all, her children were growing so fast.

They were due for an upgrade.

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