Day 2,773

It floated just beneath the surface of the lake, milk white eyes darting around as if it would see all the terrified cave divers crouching on the rocks a few feet away. Their stuttered breath fogged the air around them as the colossal creature scented the air with a forked tongue as grey as its gelatinous flesh.

It switched between drifting closer then further away, as if drawn by a tide or maybe just playing with its food. Seeing if it could outlast them or if they'd choose to throw one of their own down and sacrifice them for the survival of the group as a whole.

It's lower eyes crinkled as if it was smiling at them. It could smell their desperation and exhaustion growing.

They'd make their move soon and it would feast enough to sustain it til the next group came.

There was always a next group, curious to see if the legends of a cave monster were true.

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