Day 2,778

We were only playing, I remember telling the policeman who was trying his best not to cry with me while his colleagues began the search for the rest of my friend... his son. We thought we were all safe in the woods by the estate, we thought we could get away with a game of Manhunt before our parents got back, we thought it was safe.

The last time I saw my friend alive, he was running for river as a countdown was yelled out behind us. The half of him we found was bone dry though, not even any blood pooling around him. They never found the other half, not even after sending in divers all week.

We all said we didn't see what happened but one of us lied. She had to - nobody would believe her if she said he flew up into the air and just tore himself apart, his blood vanishing as soon as it left his little body. She only told us what she saw a few months later, when she had the words and had run out of tears.

All of us agreed to never tell another living soul and I would have kept that promise too. Only she went missing last week and only half of her was found, no blood and no sign of the other half just like that day. Her sister, who was with us that day as well, hasn't been seen for three days now but they're assuming she's out searching.

I'm sure they'll find her soon.

I'm even surer that I'll be next.

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