Day 1,080

She woke with a nightmare's terror still running fresh through her veins. Her mind was consumed by the overwhelming urge to make sure her boyfriend was still there, still safe and sound where they'd last met. A quick glance out of her window confirmed that the storm had grown worse and she feared for him.

Steadying her shaking breath she shoved her feet into the closest shoes to hand, made sure to grab the coat and he'd left behind before finally bundling her hair up into a beanie. It wasn't that she didn't want to be recognised, its just that everyone was more used to seeing him run out to check his chicken coop than they were seeing her run out in the middle of the night.

The less people saw of her the safer she would feel, at least until someone else saw her boyfriend. She knew everything would change when they met him - it would make or break her whole world and she had nobody to blame but him.

When she found out he was keeping more than chickens out by the lake, when she saw the messages scratched into the sides of the coops, bloody and overlapping,when she heard someone sob out their last breath while he tried to claim he was being framed.

As she approached the lakeside she saw him there, still where she'd left him. The scarf-turned-noose around his neck was holding out fine against the wind, just as she'd hoped but "his" suicide note had blown away. Searching for it that late and in such bad weather would never work.

She turned back, praying she wouldn't run into anyone.

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