Day 1,570

The projector wasn't plugged into anything, had no light bulb and didn't even have reel of film but something was being screened. A group of kids found it in the woods, flickering happily away half-buried under a fallen tree and thought it might kill an afternoon.

They didn't bother to read the instructions on the underside, they were too busy trying to find a clean enough bit of wall to see what it was trying to show them. Five days later it was found again in an old garage that had been broken into so many times that nobody bothered replacing the door.

A teen found it this time and figured he could flog it. He slung it into his rucksack and wandered off with the causal air of someone who has been somewhere they definitely shouldn't have been. It was priced at a fair £30 and traded to someone who was more curious about how it was projecting than what is was projecting.

Five days later it was found again, heavily dented in the boot of a crashed car...

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