Day 1,642

We didn't know the underpass was there until the road collapsed nearly three years ago. Instead of breaking the whole thing down, filling it in and starting from scratch they just kept pouring cement in until it stopped flowing. They never even bothered to find out where it began or ended - that was someone else's problem.

Soon after they re-opened the road, pale figures started to appear. They kept trying to cross the street, getting hit by car after car and getting back up again and carrying on but never reaching the other side. Most of them seemed to just vanish about half way, collapsing into the ground and appearing the same time next week.

When one of the figures was recognised as a missing person, the campaigns to dig up the new road and check the underpass for bodies began. They found the first one last night, a well-preserved child still strapped into their pram and mother's hand still clinging to them.The rest of her hasn't been dug out yet.

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