Day 1,996

Where wolves go, stories follow.  Therefore if just so happen to find yourself in a country not known for its wolves or tales of wolves and you find yourself hearing their soulful howls when you are in the middle of an otherwise quite pleasant stroll through the woods, please consider the following.

It is unlikely that the creature you are hearing is a wolf.

In fact the chances of you hearing an actual wolf during daylight hours are slim to none due to their preference for hunting at dawn and dusk but that's besides the point. The point is that you are hearing the sound of a creature that is most certainly not what it should be and it sounds closer than you'd like.

It sounds close enough that you should be able to see it by now and yet you are surrounded by nothing more than trees. Trees that almost seem to breathe out when the howling picks up as if they might be the source which should be impossible and yet...

And yet the day is already so full of improbables and unlikelies that the trees might as well howl.

They might as well untuck their roots and sidle closer to you the second your back is turned.

They might as well wrap those same roots around your ankles and draw you into the soil.

It was going to be that sort of a day anyway.

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