New age druids flock to "sacred" places such as Stone Henge.
They have forgotten the real sacred places, the real rituals.
To find your local sacred place you'll need to head to one of
several potential areas.
Bring salt, sage and a serrated knife.
Firstly there are city centres, the exact centre.
This may be an old courtyard, a shop or just part of a road.
There will be a tall person waiting there, the gender will vary.
Offer them the sage and say "for old times' sake".
If they take the sage, smile and reply "the times' are old indeed"
you will gain the ability so see spirits for the remainder of the year.
On the downside you risk being consumed should the spirits
realise you see them.
The second place requires the use of dowsing rods.
In a pinch use two straight sticks.
Drive for one hour east of your home and then head to the nearest
wooded area.
From there use the dowsing rods to find an underground spring.
Using the salt make a ring around a small section of the area and
whisper "Et mundabo sanguinem iste meo."
Using your serrated knife, cut the palm of your right hand and
retrace the salt circle with your blood.
If all is successful the circle should dissolve completely.
This grants you one untraceable murder at the cost of your vision.
Blessed be.
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