Day 49

Some games aren't meant for everyone.
Some games are meant for no-one.
This game was meant just for you.

You found it in a small shop you walked past a million times before.
A spur of the moment decision left you down by £12 and gave you this peculiar game.

It claimed to be the first and last game you'll ever want to play.
It also had zombies on the box so you could hardly resist.
It gave you a list of things you needed outside of the game to play it "to the fullest".

You needed a needle, black thread, a paper person and a handful of dead grass.

It gave you three dice to roll, you got three fours.
Picking a card as the instructions said you had to tie the grass to the paper person
with the needle and thread.
After some minor difficulty you did so.
You then had to think of your family and times they had angered you.

A slow thudding came from downstairs.
Leaving your room you see a trail of blood and dead grass.
You smell the overpowering stench of decaying meat.
The trail led to every room in your house.

In every room were body parts, you recognised them by the tattered remains of
fabric and pieces of jewellery.
Their heads were lined up in the living room.
One in each chair.
Written on the wall in their blood were the words:
You have won the game.

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