Day 164

When I was a kid we'd visit my grandparents every month.
They lived in this old seaside house, one of the big ones.
Every time we went they'd tell us about the old stories, the
ones my parents didn't want us to know about in case we were
too scared or something.

We loved those stories - we lived for those visits just to sneak
downstairs and be terrified by whatever story they remembered.

Our favourite was about the red mist.
Its a local story, nobody outside of the town seems to know about it.

The red mist started the same way most stories do, a normal day.
Its always foggy in the morning around the sea so nobody noticed
anything different.

The weather forecast said the mist would stay all week.
Everyone was affected in some way or other, it was a fishing community
and with the mist as thick as it was nobody dared to go out.

After three days a few of the men decided it was worth the risk,
after all, they had families to support and they needed their income.

They set out at midday when the mist was at its thinnest though they
could still barely see three feet past their faces.
Armed with the brightest torches they could find, they left.

They didn't come back.
But their boats did.
Blood-soaked and stripped bare.

Nobody dared go out fishing after that.
They all hung around the village like ghosts until another death happened.
Well its assumed to be a death, no body was found.

A woman by the name of Mrs McKinnely, who'd always left her front
door open for anyone to visit, just vanished.
Her home, like the boats had a thick layer of blood along most of the
surfaces (far too much blood for just one body, especially a woman so
thin as she was).
Her home, again much like the boats, was stripped bare of all its contents.

This was all by day five.

The mist lasted a further five days.
In the aftermath twenty people were found to have vanished.

Its still pretty misty around the area.

People still vanish but not as often.

Nobody leaves their homes much.

Send help.

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