Day 323

They keep finding them in the woods, tied so tight to the trees their poor bodies are almost fused.
Nobody quite remembers how it all started but it's been going on for so long now that nobody cares.
They don't even bother trying to ID the corpses, they don't seem to exist anywhere else.
Once they tried moving one of the bodies to a morgue outside of the city, our morgue was full.
It never arrived, the truck never even left according to the other morgue.
Truck and corpse were never seen again.
They never tried again either.

We all kept a framed photo of a corpse in our bedrooms for good luck, so we wouldn't be taken.
When a child was born it was tradition to go into the woods and photograph a corpse for them.
The only rule was that it had to be a different corpse to everyone else's or it wouldn't work.
At least, that's what we all think and so far it's worked - nobody in the city ends up in the woods.
I swear mine moves from time to time but my parents assure me it's normal for them to do that.
It would be fine if she just moved her head or something but no, she moves out of the frame.
She's currently got her torso and one leg dangling freely, rope pulled taunt to her tree.

Soon enough she'll be out completely.
What will I do then and who'll believe me?
Everyone knows they're just photos.
Everyone knows it's only paper and ink behind glass.
There's no way this should even be possible.
And yet there she is, almost free.
And then what?

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