Day 436

The local theatre held their best shows at 2:45AM to a hand-picked audience.
No two shows were the same yet everyone had one thing in common.
They came to be cured.

Anything and everything, the show promised to cure 3 people per show.
It all depended on how much they were willing to do.
What they were willing to do and to whom.

There were deaths during the show, it was considered good luck.
A life for a life was the tagline and the cast lived by it every performance.
In five hundred years nothing had really changed, not even with the layout.

The stage was coated in a thick layer of sawdust (with modern plastic sheets underneath).
Each of the 5 actors played a specific role though the names change every time.
They roughly fall along the lines of family, witness, appealer, joy and time.

Family was on your side, they wanted you to be cured as much as you wanted it.
Witness wrote down the final words of any who died during the show and burnt the records.
Appealer begged for those lives to be spared, even at the cost of the audience.

Joy came to those who were to be cured and took them away to wherever their cure was.
Time, our final actor, was the one they all feared and carried a double sided axe as a reminder.
Mortality is brief and nobody knows that better then the audience.

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