Day 435

There was more than fish in the river, that much we knew.
Impossibly large eyes would sit below the surface metres away from out spot.
We'd fish there every weekend in the summer.
Never caught anything and we were glad for it.

Last person whose line caught something got pulled down.
You could see them sinking for hours, their line got tangled around their hands.
Their body never washed up downstream, never got stuck in the weir.
They weren't the first either - it happens once of twice a summer.

Something about the river puts all sorts of ideas in your head, you know.
It tells me to wade out to where the pondweed grew thickest and the big fish swam.
Says that I'll catch the biggest fish of my life there.
It probably said the same thing to the last one.

It doesn't always drag people down though.
Sometimes the river gives you things, namely strange creatures of varying size.
My uncle got one when he was a kid and it's still with him.
He dug his whole garden out into a lake for it.

for some reason he put a small jetty running out over it too, you get a good view of it.
Most days it just lays along the bottom all curled up and pulsing.
I did see it come up once but not for very long.
Just long enough to snatch a bird out of the air and crush it to bits.

It didn't even eat it, just left the remains floating about.
We've tried to convince uncle to put it back into the river but he refuses.
Says it's a gift and we'll understand when it's fully grown.
He keeps saying that, even after he brought next door's garden to expand the creature's lake.

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