Day 601

Today's story is comprised of Safe Work Tips to help you proceed through the otherwise menial labour you are required to do by your governing body of organisms.

Keep Work Topics to easy things like:
How has your day been thus far?
Are you successfully crushing all opposition in a Work Appropriate manner?

And the always well received:
How long do you have left? Are you as excited for the encroaching void as I am?

Another top Work Tip is to Work hard. Work impossibly hard and forsake all human needs until the bells toll and your shift has ended for the foreseeable time. Weep as you leave the Workplace - it shows commitment and fear which is the best thing a Worker can show their Employers.

Don't forget to Network. Spin those vast and intangible webs of Communication and Community that only the Management can see. Watch as CoWorkers and Visitors alike get caught in those Network webs and forever bound to your Workplace Camaraderie, unable to leave and unable to want to leave.

Remember, Teamwork is crucial in this so Network in a Pack.

Finally our Greatest Work tip is thus:
Remain calm.
Whatever task you are appointed with and whomever you kill to earn it, remain calm.
Remember that Management can see fear.
It floats above and beside you as a cloud of limacine-yellow haze.

They love your fear.

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