Day 1,105

There are realisations that few people get to experience in their lifetime.

For instance, the realisation that the numbness in your foot you've been ignoring desperately as you wade through the murky shallows deep within the amazon, is in fact necrosis and your foot is mostly black mush. Then there's the following realisation that this will impede your escape and you will gradually lose the hard earned distance from your pursuers.

Another realisation that few people will have is that the odd assortment of items that continue to gather in their back yard, all linked to a theme of some sort, are a shrine. To them. And their newly discovered followers are expecting repayment in the form of promised impossibilities sold to them by a jilted ex-spouse.

One final realisation, and sadly the last realisation for some, is that there is always something breathing in the room with you. It's nowhere you'll look but you can hear it, ever so slightly out of time to your own rapidly increasing, shortening, fluttering gasping as you feverishly search for the source. You won't think to look up until you notice the little flakes of plaster scattered all around your preferred seat and realise that it is in your ceiling.

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