Day 1,135

Faerie have changed over the years, adapting to our technology without us even noticing. A child can become a changeling with just one click, a soul can be sold as easy as it can be listed. While the majority of mankind don't recognise the changes, can't tell the difference between puberty and a child swapped with a fae counterpart, there will always be that same interaction, albeit on a cybernetic level.

Even will-o-wisps have altered themselves into the glowing cat-eyes between the lanes of the bustling highways, luring us deeper into country roads and onwards to the never ending fields that seem to bring us no closer to our destination no matter how long we travel them.

Not even iron and salt can phase them any more, not with both elements saturating society to the point where ever breath we take was poison to Them and is now just one more obstacle between Them and whichever pretty mortal They've taken a fancy to.

Nowadays we rarely see our loved ones return to us in their physical forms, not even logs in guise as humans. Nowadays we see their faces in the banners of adverts, selling us holidays to places we've never heard of yet exist under several "listicles" that claim them to be the eighth wonder of the world, a cure for cancer, etcetera etcetera.

The fae are some kind of virus, sweeping our systems and hiding deep inside the internet, waiting for some unsuspecting fool to click on  their link and download a whole new world of chaos. If you thought span was bad, you clearly haven't seen the sites that thrive on your existential confusion, begging you to forsake your life for a taste of immortality.

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