Day 1,223

I finally managed to lose myself on the way home from school and now I'm lost in streets I've never been down in a part of town I never go to so I guess I'm now lost twice over. As long as I don't come across myself on the way back home then I should be fine.

I've been seeing myself allover the place these past few weeks, well, this version of me that's almost a reflection... if reflections were three dimensional, breathing, stalking, killing creatures that liked to line the windowsills of your classrooms with broken birds and dying squirrels.

Occasionally a friend of mine would have an encounter with this other me and somehow not realise that I'm not that me, I'm this me - the real me. It's the little details they mention without realising just how disturbing it actually is. Like how I had beetles crawling in my hair, how I appeared in their window at night asking them for one of their newborn kittens or how I was chewing on a human ear like gum.

Whatever it is, it's gotten into their heads and it's trying to take my place. Hopefully I've lost it and myself enough that whichever one of us comes out of this strange part of town will consider themself the winner. I hope it's me but I've been catching glimpses of the me that isn't me as I've been heading down to the sub-ground level housing.

Tomorrow we'll see who I am, I guess.

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