Day 1,314

Pus oozed out around the crude stitches that joined the creatures together, leaving faint yellow trails through the water. It was meant to be a mermaid, at least the sketches taped to the base of the tank called it a mermaid. In reality it was an abhorrent entanglement of several women (pieces of them anyway) and a manatee that had somehow managed to survive.

From the footage they found in the next room, it had lived for almost eight years in this state, eating whatever came close enough for its eight-jointed arms to grab and drag down towards the swollen mass of hair that apparently contained a face. Now it was a corpse, floating belly up in a morbidly comical way.

Whoever the women had once been, they were now a decaying clump of parts, hair and some kind of furry growth that was slowly engulfing the creature they had become. Occasionally it twitched as if it was still alive though most of its underside had rotted to the bone in the humid air of what was now christened "Frankenstein's Lab".

The map detailing twenty other locations wouldn't be found for many months after they discovered the mermaid and by the time they reached the first few locations each creature (the manticore, the centaur, the lamia) was already dead.

They were made by the same person, or group of people, that much was certain. Each hybrid monstrosity bore the same style of stitching, the same greenish fluid flowed through their veins instead of blood and the same map was found in every laboratory.

With every creature they found, each having lived longer than the last, the only question remained...

What has survived?

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