Day 1,565

We knew leviathans existed when we dug deep enough to find their colossal corpses half-digested.

We thought we'd discovered a site of mass extinction, physical evidence of a catastrophe the likes of which we could barely comprehend. Partially submerged skulls the size of islands lay scattered about like dice, rib cages big enough to house countries all inside a chasm that didn't seem to have an end.

In our astonishment we neglected to take a closer look at the floor, assuming that the water was just water and that our little rafts would be fine. When they began to slowly sink we searched for air leaks, for cracks in the plastic and still didn't think about what we were floating on or why there were no living things down here - not even fish or worms.

It was Davis who touched the water first, lost his finger in a split second. A few put-together people managed to snag samples while we were evacuating but even now we can barely contain them. It's some kind of protein activated enzyme, something that will gradually eat its way through anything but is hyper-reactive to meat.

I was the first one to liken it to stomach acid and from there we wondered what lay outside of the chasm.

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