Day 1,566

It travels along the pipes between Factory Six and Five. They say it's an escaped product from Factory Fifteen - the one that apparently doesn't exist while the "empty" lot is left to the weeds. You can feel the ground vibrating all around it but we aren't supposed to talk about that.

Nobody knows for certain what they make there but we all have our theories. Whoever catches the thing in the pipes might just prove us all wrong... or right, depending on what it is. So far all we can see is something that manages to distort the pipes around it in an almost cartoonish way. It'd be funny if it weren't real.

To me it looks like a snake swallowing an egg except that egg has killed seven people and nobody seems to be worried about it, or at least they aren't showing it. All of the bodies have been found near exit points in the pipeworks and all of them have huge circular burns on their chests and two plus two is four so... that's my theory.

Everybody around our sector has seen it by now, even if it was just a brief glimpse of that weird distortion in the metal. The few who claim to have seen it with their own eyes don't last too long. They keep trying to crawl into the pipes to meet it.

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