Day 1,568

I'd dedicated nine years of my life to finding the elusive radio presence that called themself Jamie-Lee Cicero - Jay for short. Now I was originally of the same train of thought as everyone else and joked about it like it was just another weirdo surrealistic podcast.

Then Jay started talking about things that we'd all seen and tried to pretend we hadn't. They spoke for a good hour or so on the way the streetlights seemed to follow you home at night and how we've all heard cats fighting but couldn't remember the last time we actually saw a street cat.

A small group of listeners began calling in regularly to try and piece together what was going on - what was replacing the streetlights and was it eating cats? Was this better or worse than just believing that the cats had all been caught and adopted or had moved to another town entirely?

This went on for a couple of months and we all got a better idea of how to keep ourselves safe from whatever the lights were becoming, or had become in most places, but we still didn't know any more about Jay and how they knew any of this to begin with.

It's been nine years and fifteen days since Jay made their last broadcast. They sounded like an absolute wreck and spent their hour babbling coordinates into the microphone while it sounded like someone or something was trying to break into the studio.

The day it all went silent was the day I started scouring the globe for them, following their coordinates like a trail of breadcrumbs to studio after studio - all abandoned and all is utter disarray until the one I found the night before last.

There was this mess of wires and microphones and some pinkish bundle of flesh gentle snoring away in the centre of it all. I'm not sure if it's Jay - I'm not sure it's even human but it's the only lead I have now that I've been to every single location.

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