Day 1,567

The summer rain poured over him, running in rivulets down his face that stole the colour from him until I was facing something translucent and smiling. My breath trembled through me as I stood there, utterly speechless and full of a thousand burning questions.

Instead of asking him anything I just reached out and tried to touch what I could barely see and he reached back to me. The second our fingertips met it was like that moment in time was frozen and we were the only living beings in the entire world.

And I blinked.

I blinked and he collapsed, his body merging with the raindrops and the puddle below us. I was left standing on our balcony wondering how I would tell his family where he went. I was left wondering if they were like him and if the rain had taken them all too or if they were safe because they were the same.

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