Day 1,608

We'd been heading landwards for eight weeks.

We should have seen the coast at three weeks.

The maps all said that we were way past the shoreline and yet all we saw was the sea.

Once or twice we saw little lights on the horizon and thought they might be houses or boats but we never seem to be getting any closer to them. For all we know we've been stuck in place for days while the engine putters away like it's doing just fine.

We thought we saw a lighthouse yesterday and nearly wept at the sight of that pale little beacon.

Then another one appeared beside it.

And then they blinked.

Still don't know what that was but we turned the ship around and sailed back out to sea, hoping that the shore's out there somewhere. Even if we end up in another country entirely we can still try to catch a plane back home.

Anything's better than ending up inside a creature with eyes tat big.

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