Day 1,650

The world slept after the bombs dropped, eyes closed tight against the sting of smoke and lips shut tight against the debris that surrounded them all. It was looking to be another long night and they were all so very far from the homes they once knew.

It may have made sense to place the superbunkers in isolated places where narrow footpaths were the only way in and out but it didn't stop the thousands of survivors from feeling so very alone. It didn't change the fact that, for all they knew, there was no world left and nobody else had made it but them.

When the ground stopped trembling and all the roaring died back to distant screams, they started waking up. Every movement was careful, silent and steady - as if the bombs could hear them deep down in the earth and their masters would come running back to finish the job.

Whispers flitted about like moths, did you ever see them - they snatched her up right in front of me and - there were piles of bodies all shredded like office paper - and still, nobody dared mention them by name. What good were their names now when everything else was ash and bone?

Someone said they wished the bastards were human so they'd be trapped in this dimension too, so they could be held accountable and killed for their crimes. A near silent chorus of agreement drifted around as they all contemplated how little they'd seen.

Imagine, if you will, an organic bomb the size of a small country. Now fill the skies with them til the sun is nothing but a memory. Now imagine their makers and their near incomprehensible scale. Humanity must have been like bacteria to them, brainless little micro-nothings that they'd swept away.

Now, thousand of meters beneath the chaos, humanity slowly woke up.

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