Day 1,727

Well the good news is that the ship isn't totally flooded, bad news is we're missing everything from the third deck onwards... including the hull. We won't be taking on any water either, we're currently perched between a couple of rocks and one of those "unidentifiable creatures" they keep ragging on about back at Sweetbeck Port is right below us.

On the bright side, we're close enough to identify it and I can say with some confidence, what with being the only person who's actually gone down there and had a look, that we are in fact in the presence of a mermaid. Really big one. Lots of teeth too.

It's like a monk and a shark had a baby. Just weird seaweed looking hair and a weirdly humany face but with those jet black fish eyes and as much of a neck as the king, which is to say utterly none but it has those fluffy looking gills we saw on that deep sea creature back in Suruga Bay.

It might have seen me too... it might even have caught sight on me in the corner of its eye and turned back around and gotten real close to the surface of the water. So I don't know what the plan is in terms of someone else maybe having a look just in case or finding some way to gently discourage it from climbing up here.

I mean, I don't know if it could necessarily use the stairs but it sure as hell could get an arm or at least a fin over the rails and shuffle on deck like that walrus did a few months back... only I don't think we'd be able to throw enough fish at this to persuade it to leave.

I'm sure it'll be fine but I am starting to hear some worryingly loud creaking from the lower decks...

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