Day 1,767

Judging by the harsh electric whirring in the background, the kid had been a cyborg for longer than I'd been alive. Must have been running one of the old bionispatial oxygen intake systems, clunkier than an iron lung and ten times as big - a room that breathes for you when your organic lungs finally give up.

His parents must have been rich back when they were kicking, those systems weren't cheap. At least they got their money's worth, their undying offspring might be trapped but he's alive and conscious enough to cause utter havoc for the rest of the residents.

The thing about these high-tech penthouse people is that they go off the rails over the slightest inconvenience and the kid was trying to be every kind of inconvenience all at once. He was doing a damned good job of it too and if he'd stuck to minor inconveniences then I wouldn't have been sent out.

I'd been let in by the maintenance droids, the poor fellas were being run ragged by the kid's antics and they wanted to put a legal stop to it. Maybe if they had, I could have had a few extra hours of sleep. Thing about two dead bodies in one building is you can cram them into the same file and cut hours off the paperwork.

One dead body though... one fried-to-a-crisp suit though... one ozone-reeking, cybernetic, blown-fuses-and-burst-circuits body though... not my favourite way to spend the morning. Lucking for me, the murderer couldn't escape.

The thing about bionispatial oxygen intake systems is that once you're in one, your only exit is in a bodybag and this kid was too well-preserved for that. Honestly who can blame him for going a little stir-crazy and ganking the guy who kept messing with the power supply downstairs in retaliation.

I'd call it spontaneous self-defence but the kid's too far gone to count as human anymore.

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