Day 1,802

They saw other cars in the distance but theirs was the only one with the doors still closed and all the lights off. They even made sure to park up for the night behind the roadside hedges, barely within the boundaries of some farmer's fields. Better to risk the wrath of a human than be caught out by the things that run alongside cars at night.

The faint sounds of rain and singing insects lulled across the hours, occasionally disrupted by a cut-off scream from someone who wasn't as cautious as they were. Once upon a time they actively went out and searched for people in need - pulling the ungrateful and ignorant from the jaws of creatures who were supposed to be extinct.

It got tiring after a while. People began to expect help and only got themselves in worse and worse situations until they set free something that should have died like the rest of its kind. The same something that's been tailing them for almost five years and across nineteen countries.

They reckon they'll either run out of supplies, gas or patience and then it'll be lights-on-doors-open for them too. But it wasn't that night. That night they were tucked away where headlights couldn't reach them and the creature couldn't see them.

That night, for once, they were safe.

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