Day 1,813

Moving offices is deadly at the best of times and downright lethal for the most part. Luckily for us, management were thoughtful enough to hire contractors to do all the hard work for us and we were able to turn up to the new offices the next day.

The only downside of working with contractors is that they're often too busy or too fresh to the job to know which entities need appeasing, which can be ignored and which ones will just straight up mutilate you for funsies. As a result they lost three of their own and demanded compensation for it.

Management tried to respect their wishes, tried to offer money and blood as per usual but these contractors were... different. They asked us to kill the entity responsible. We refused of course, I mean an office without its entities is too vulnerable to survive.

They persisted - insisted that this was their desired recompense and if we didn't comply then all sorts of legal chaos would be unleashed and we'd be shut down in minutes. We weren't caught between a rock and a hard place so much as we were slowly falling into a swimming pool filled with knives instead of acid.

All we have to do is speak to the entities (which can take weeks depending on the time of year and how much vodka is in the water tank). Whilst speaking to them all we have to figure out what killed who and why without endangering ourselves, or at least endangering as few people as possible.

Then we somehow have to kill it in this dimension and hold its physical form until the contractors arrive.

Simple enough right?

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