Day 1,946

Crawl spaces aren't common in England, we know exactly what's underground and how much iron a house needs to keep a family safe. From the foundations to the nails holding the roof tiles in place, every inch of our homes is touched by iron and nobody would dare to do otherwise.

Still, there are places deep in the urban sprawls that forget and cut costs and crawl spaces spring up in every other building to save money and add a little extra storage or whatever excuse they come up with that inevitably culminates in unwanted guests and early deaths.

We tell stories of the fair folk being beautiful and graceful and ethereal because making them seem like they exist far away from us is easier than the truth. Easier to lie than tell our children that deep beneath their feet is a whole society of chaos, carnage and cannibalism that's inches away from consuming us too.

Every fairy circle is loosely closed door, one that only opens when there's someone behind it but opens nevertheless. I've been unfortunate enough to see it happen before - lost a good friend and an all-right teacher to a horde of multi-jointed arms that looked and smelled like fresh bone marrow.

They didn't even get the chance to scream.

Since then we put mini gyms in the playgrounds - all iron - and encourage the children to stomp on fairy rings before they have a chance to fully form. Now if only we could do something similar for all the open crawl spaces in those big city offices.

Who would bother to go and check for stray creatures when they can just clock out and call it a night? Why respond to the thing that knocks from under the floor when you can pretend you have a meeting in another room or, better yet, another building entirely?

They've made themselves quite the nest in our midst and, with technology as advanced as it is, we have more than enough ways to distract and distance ourselves from all the little inconsistencies and missing staff members that seem to plague most offices.

And we don't talk to the night staff - especially not the ones we see walking in broad daylight.

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