Day 2,017

We followed the fences that ran alongside the road, hoping they might eventually lead to civilisation again - anywhere but where we came from. Anywhere they hadn't managed to get to, which left us with fewer options than we dared to think about.

So we kept our eyes on the road, checking our mirrors and crossing our fingers that we'd find somewhere they couldn't get to. Unfortunately when dealing with impossible creatures you soon realise that they make everything else impossible too and all you're left with is them or death.

We all knew we'd choose death, not that we'd ever said it out loud. Not saying it made it feel as though the likelihood of it all ending was further away than it actually was. Especially when we could see them moving in the distance.

Nothing wakes you up like the icy-cold trickle of realisation that the thousands of miles you'd run and all the people who'd sacrificed themselves along the way was all for nothing. Nothing lets reality settle in like the faint howling of everything you hoped you'd never see again.

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