Day 2,033

Bright blue eyes peered out from behind the burning wreck of my uncle's car and I knew this was far from over. She was supposed to have died, not them. We'd planned and planned and planned this for months yet she was there, crouched in the flames and the rest of my family were trapped in the inferno.

Still crouching, she came towards me covered in ash and someone else's blood while the air around us began to stink of overcooked meat. Some sick part of my mind remembered summer barbeques while the rest of me wanted to cry, vomit and scream all at once.

Shock is one hell of a thing though.

I just stood there while she headed straight for me, bright blue eyes locked onto mine and every time I glanced at the charred corpses in the car she seemed to have leapt closer. It was only going to be a matter of minutes before she reached me but it felt like years.

I wouldn't have blamed her for dragging me back to the car to sit in the empty front passenger seat.

I wouldn't have blamed her for slitting my throat like she did to those kids who yelled at her.

I wouldn't have been remotely upset if she'd brought me to join them all in death but she didn't.

She took my hand and led me back to the house.

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