Day 2,394

The old cinema vanished overnight leaving nothing but rusted iron poking out from broken concrete foundations and an outline on the wall of the buildings either side. It wasn't the first building to vanish but it was the most noticeable, the ones before it being broken shells far outside the city's limits and interests but the old cinema was in the heart of the lower district.

I know the old place had been haunted, as did everyone in the lower district and nobody moreso than my parents whose flat was right above their shop and directly opposite. They hadn't heard a thing that night which was odd given how they used to complain to me about hearing laughter and seeing flickering lights from between the boards covering the broken windows as if it was back in its heyday.

But the night it vanished all the heard was the sounds of the city, normal and full of life. No disembodied laughter or sudden flashes of light to wake them up and make them glare out their windows at a place that hadn't seen life inside it for nearly twenty years.

Now they look out at its leftover skeleton, the half-buried remains of the basement and foundations. Now they wonder if their shop and home might be next and I keep telling them that only dead or abandoned buildings get taken like I have the faintest idea what's going on. Like I know where these places are being taken to and why.

For all I do know my parents could vanish overnight without so much as a peep.

For all I do know I could vanish overnight and leave nothing but an outline.

For all I do know we could all vanish tonight.

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