Day 2,395

It unfurled itself from the black mold that had taken over one corner of the bathroom ceiling, clusters of eyes staring down at us as we all stood speechless. Pete was the first to act, unsurprising as we'd hired him to remove the mold in the first place. If we'd known what was living in the mold we would have barricaded the bathroom door and moved out pronto instead of risking all our lives by disturbing it.

Whatever it was - this little greyish winged creature - it did not like the industrial strength spray that Pete had doused the ceiling with. For a moment we actually felt sorry for the little wheezing thing. Then is lunged at Pete and tore through his neck, crawling down his bleeding throat while he gently collapsed in a pool of blood and cleaning agent.

I was furthest from the bathroom at the time, first and only one to reach the front door while it attacked my roommates and killed them all. I turned around just as I crossed the threshold and out into the sun to see Sadie fall, hand outstretched and throat a mess of shredded meat oozing with the blood from everyone else it had already killed.

Yes, it was cowardly of me to just leg it and leave them all to die but if I hadn't then nobody else would know about that bloodthirsty little monster. If I was any slower then we'd all just be bodies waiting to be bagged, tagged and buried while it crept back into the mold to wait for the next unsuspecting tenants to arrive.

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