Day 2,396

The lid of the coffin was still warm, though the Larchstride mausoleum hadn't been disturbed for over two hundred years. We were only there to settle the reports that had been flurrying in over the past three days - all claiming to have heard the sound of children crying from inside the Larchstride's final resting place.

Now reports like this have been coming in sporadically ever since the last Larchstrides were entombed there back in 1805 - a pair of young lads only one or two years of age taken by the same fever that had taken their parents a few days earlier according to the church records.

If the old stories are to be believed they were stacked in one coffin instead of two smaller, singular ones as would have been proper. I guess back in those days taking whatever box was going spare was cheaper than commissioning a couple of tiny coffins, especially for the tail end of an upper class family whose money was likely being bickered over by dozens of distant relatives.

As always, the station sends a pair of us to bother the caretakers into giving us the keys to the mausoleum so we can check that everyone's still boxed and parked same as they have been for a great many years now. When we arrived though, the doors were already unlocked and the coffins were warm to the touch.

Neither of us had the guts to look any further so we just radioed in that the doors were unlocked but no trespassers were sighted which was correct as far as we were concerned. Didn't stop the calls coming on claiming that a couple of young children could be heard running about inside. 

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