Her phone had been buzzing non-stop for thirty minutes saying there was motion at the front door while she stood there staring out at her empty front yard wondering what could possibly be triggering the sensors. She ruled out insects and couldn't see any faulty wiring so she switched it off and shut the door, disabling notifications and making a mental note to call an electrician in the morning.
She was about halfway up the stairs when she heard a faint noise from inside the bathroom. Figuring a cat must have locked themself in there again she went to free the little pest only to freeze in front of the door when she heard the noise so much more clearly - laughter.
Her house keys were a few paces away so she silently grabbed them, unlocked the taser and flung the door open, ready to beat the life out of whoever was stupid enough to break into her home only to come face-to-inhuman face with some kind of living shadow.
Well, most of it appeared to be shadows that faded when the hallway light hit but its eyes and mouth were wide open and on the inside of the glass. It stared at her with something akin to a smile stretched across where its face should be only without the boundaries of a face its mouth just continued to stretch til it hit the walls.
She flicked the bathroom light on and watched it jolt back, now staring at her with eyes and mouth outside of the glass, waiting in front of the window and triggering the motion sensors with lazy swipes of its arms. Assuming that was the end of it, she turned the light off and leapt back as its eyes and mouth passed through the window like it wasn't even there.
Her trembling hand barely managed to turn the light back on before it was inches away from her,now forced back outside where it began to pace. She sped around the house flicking every light switch on and watching as it tried, failed and became increasingly frustrated with her attempts to stop it from entering her home.
She spent the rest of the night patrolling and making sure every light was on while it circled with her, staring her down at every opportunity and triggering the motion alarms when she least expected it. By the time morning came she was practically asleep on her feet,assuming it was all over and ready to go to sleep.
Soon as her head hit the pillow she heard that faint laughter and felt warm breath against the back of her neck.
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