Day 2,579

Have you ever stopped and realised that a jellyfish is like a spider's web without the spider? How those delicate-looking tendrils are just mindless cells shooting venom into complex living things before hauling them in and dissolving them until they too are mindless cells.

The things I've been seeing in the clouds over the old crop fields are just like jellyfish drifting in air currents and hauling up whole herds of cows to poison and dissolve. Monstrous and mindless is one hell of a combination - one that can't even be scared off or reasoned with.

Best we've been able to do is monitor the wind direction and move the cattle accordingly, letting them graze on whatever else we can find and leaving the crop fields to return to the wild again. Maybe this is nature's way of telling us we're taking too much and leaving too little.

Maybe the world's changing and we're slipping down to the bottom of the food chain.

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